Question: would Jesus support gays?

Asked: 10-9-2017

Answered: 5 22 2023

The following question / comment arrived back in 2017 and I am now able to answer it here.

‘Earlier this month I received this question:’

“would jesus support gays”

‘Here is my response.’

Thanks for your question. But my answer is probably one you won’t like.

Why would Jesus bother to ‘support’ gay men and the rest of the lgbt-ers? After all as a Jew Jesus and his early followers would have shunned both Jew & Gentile who would practice fetish sex such as sodomy & lesbianism.

According to Jewish law. Jewish men who practiced sodomy /sex with a man, woman or animal would have been killed.


Exodus 22:19 (Animal sex)

Leviticus 18:22-24 (Sodomy with a man & animal sex)

Deuteronomy 27:20-24

Also see:

“Ten penalties of the Ten Commandments”


Why is this important?

It is a grave error for the progressive / liberal / leftist to assume that God & Jesus would support their ideology or philosophy. Why? Because God doesn’t make teens or adults gay, lesbian, bi, trans or anything else like that.

It is people that make the lgbt-ers.

Why do I say that?

Gay males are created by males who sexually abuse them orally and anally. I personally know of 2 men who willingly confessed that they were sexually abused between 10-12 years old and after that they became homosexual due to the abuse / brainwashing they received as kids from either adults or other male kids their age.

Lesbians too come from abuse from fathers, uncles, grandpas & brothers and end up hating men to the point where they end up having various forms of sex with women.

Bisexual simply are individuals who have sex with either male or females individually or at the same time. The other term for it is ‘pansexual’.

Trans are individuals who are brainwashed & deluded into thinking they should be remade from female to male or male to female.

What does the NT (New Testament) say about Jesus?

Jesus did not support pagan ideas. This would have included the hated Roman occupiers and their perversions that the lgbt partake in.

Jesus taught children the right way to live.

Jesus supported marriage and refraining from sex outside of it.

Jesus supported families created by natural marriage. Male + Female = Kids.

And as usual the terminology of ‘lgbt’ did not exist in the Holy Bible but the sexual sins did and in no part of the Bible Jews supported pagan sexuality as it exists now.

The subject of the l-g-b-t (A-Z) are not from God but flawed men.

Jesus wouldn’t support lgbt subjects as they exist in the USA but offer forgiveness and urge those in those sins to reject the lgbt ideology, doctrines’ and follow him.

To make any other claim that Jesus would accept the lgbt ideology, doctrines as they exist are willingly putting words and deeds to Jesus associating him to the perversions’ that he taught against.