How I would support ‘gun control’

Started: 4-11-2023

Finished: 6 4 2023

Not long ago I found the following website about trying to instill “common sense” gun control in the USA. And there are few subjects in this site I could agree with and of course there are others that I disagree with on this website.

According to the following.

“Require Prohibited People to Turn in Their Guns.”


“Prohibit People With Dangerous Histories From Having Guns.”

According to the above:

“Convicted felons.”

“Abusers under final domestic violence restraining orders, or convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes, if they have been married to, lived with, or have a child in common with the victim.”

“People with dangerous mental illness.”

“Fugitives from justice.”


“Unlawful drug users.”

“While federal law applies in every state, without matching provisions in state law, in-state officials generally cannot enforce them. States can also fill gaps left by federal law and set even stronger standards….”

And continues with:

“Abusive dating partners. Federal law prohibits domestic abusers from having guns only if the abuser has been married to, has lived with, or has a child in common with the victim—it does not cover abusive dating partners. The exclusion of abusive dating partners from the firearm prohibition is especially outdated given the changing nature of relationships.”

“People under extreme risk protection orders.”

“Convicted stalkers. Federal law prohibits people convicted of felony stalking from having guns, but not people convicted of misdemeanor stalking crimes.”

“People convicted of hate crimes.”

“People with mental illness that pose a risk to themselves or others. Federal law and state law should clarify that the prohibition extends to people involuntarily committed to outpatient treatment. Federal law should also clarify that certain records held by Veterans Affairs and Social Security Administration qualify as federally prohibiting mental health records.”

“People under 21 should not be able to buy a gun. Laws may provide exceptions for 18-20 year-olds purchasing manually operated rifles and shotguns typically used when hunting.”

“People recently convicted of a violent misdemeanor. Federal law prohibits people convicted of a felony or a domestic violence misdemeanor from having guns, but does not otherwise block people recently convicted of a violent crime. “

People under emergency domestic violence restraining orders. While federal law prohibits abusers under domestic violence restraining orders while a long-term order is in place, it does not prohibit those during the earlier, emergency order phase. While people under these emergency orders must have ready access to the courts, they should be prohibited from having guns during this highly dangerous period.

People with outstanding warrants. People under outstanding warrants should be blocked from buying a gun, and from having a gun if they know about the warrant.

Other people who pose a risk to public safety. Several states screen for any dangerous history among gun permit applicants. These are important protections that ensure new gun buyers do not pose a serious danger to themselves or others.


“Armed Extremism”


“The U.S. faces a confluence of dangerous challenges from white supremacists, anti-government militias, and other armed groups and individuals of the extreme right that seek to perpetrate violence, spread conspiracies, traffic in hate speech, and engage in armed intimidation. Guns and gun rights are central to many extreme-right groups and individuals.”

“There has been an increase in counterprotesters and militia members carrying guns openly at protests. In addition, the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in January 2021 and several other arrests of extremists in the past year underscore the violent threat posed by armed extremism. These individuals and groups are often motivated by conspiracy theories, violent rhetoric, and hate. Failure to address this threat will lead to the continued growth of extremist groups and violent incidents.”

“For decades, the gun lobby has not only enabled access to guns by anti-government and white supremacist extremists through its advocacy against common-sense gun laws, but has also worked to harness their fixation on guns to shore up its own political power; in doing so, the gun lobby has amplified extreme right politics to new and broader audiences.”


“Disarm Hate”


“Guns and hate are a fatal combination. In an average year, more than 10,300 hate crimes in the United States involve a firearm—more than 28 each day. In most of the US, some people convicted of hate crimes can still legally buy and have guns. Congress and state legislatures must pass laws that keep guns out of the hands of those who have been convicted of hate crimes.”



“The work to prevent hate-motivated violence must include stronger gun laws, like the Disarm Hate Act, which closes a dangerous loophole in federal law by prohibiting people convicted of violent or threatening hate crimes from having a gun. States should also act to stop people convicted of hate crimes from buying or having a gun. In addition, Extreme Risk laws can help prevent access to guns by people who have shown serious warning signs that they are a threat to others, including those who are motivated by bias….”

“People convicted of a hate crime shouldn’t have guns.”

“The vast majority of hate crimes are directed against communities of color, religious minorities, and LGBTQ people. These hate crimes can become deadly when firearms are involved. Easy access to firearms gives a hate-filled individual the opportunity to shatter numerous lives and whole communities, as evidenced by the October 2018 shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue, when a white nationalist killed 11 worshippers and injured six more; the June 2015 shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC, when a white supremacist opened fire in a church, killing nine Black worshippers; and the June 2016 shooting at Pulse nightclub, Orlando, FL, when a gunman shot and killed 49 people and injured 53, most of whom identified as LGBTQ and Latinx.”


So the following about subjects or snippets are their solutions.

How this is going to fail.

The constitution of the USA protects A LOT of peoples rights and these would include.

Gun rights, self defense.

Freedom of press

Little to no censorship

Freedom of choice in regards to what races we chose to be around and so forth.

Prohibited persons:

Who exactly gets to say who deserves to have firearms in the USA?

I already know who I would pick to loose their firearms rights.


“Gun control should start with the democrat party”


Now why would I say that? Almost all shooters are attached to the hip of the current progressive / democrat party and I also happily lump in the varied white, black and other racists and all other left leaning criminals / shooters.

But I digress.

According to the above website they lump in the following groups.

“Convicted felons.”

“People with dangerous mental illness.”

“Fugitives from justice.”

“Unlawful drug users.”

“Abusive dating partners”

“People under extreme risk protection orders.”

“People convicted of hate crimes.”

“People under 21 should not be able to buy a gun.”

“People recently convicted of a violent misdemeanor.”

“Armed Extremism”

“The U.S. faces a confluence of dangerous challenges from white supremacists, anti-government militias, and other armed groups and individuals of the extreme right that seek to perpetrate violence, spread conspiracies, traffic in hate speech, and engage in armed intimidation. Guns and gun rights are central to many extreme-right groups and individuals.”


“Disarm Hate Act”,a%20misdemeanor%2C%20from%20purchasing%20or%20possessing%20a%20firearm.


And yet these very same progressives donot include the many democrat / progressive militant groups, gangs, cartels and others who are actually tuning democrat controlled cities into shooting galleries.

Also they offer no protections for Conservative groups or political affiliations, Christians, White / Asians / Jews or others who are hated by the very militant groups they support.

As for the Republicans. No. They don’t have answers either how to control crime and lower gun violence.

I can only suggest we Americans try to figure out how to stop the violence without either party because it is not only we adults who are in danger but our kids & grandkids as well.


“Why Gun Control Doesn’t Work”