Democrats have 0 creditability My response to the following article

Started: 8 31 21

Finished: 9 6 21

“Don’t fear Republicans Biden voters like me owe him truth on bungled Afghanistan exit.”

“Tom Nichols  5 days ago”

8 30 21


Originally his article was found on ‘usa today’ but for whatever reason I am not allowed to make a copy of it from that website.

And so… Let’s deal with what he wrote…

…“Specifically, we need to talk about criticizing Biden, and whether doing so is harmful. Many of the president’s supporters are fearful that any negative comments about Biden just play into the hands of Republicans. As a reaction to this fear, they discourage criticism of the Biden administration, particularly on social media, which is prone to hysterical partisanship even on a good day.”

“This is a mistake, both as a political strategy and as a matter of civic virtue. Democrats who fear the weaponization of dissent are, in fact, playing into Republican hands. Nothing could serve the Republicans better than to have the Democrats become a mirror of the GOP. To do so is bad for Biden, for the last remaining sane major party in American politics and for the habits of democratic citizenship.”

“Right decision but getting lots wrong”

“I say this as a Biden voter who has written and commented at length about what I think is the bungled American pullout from Afghanistan. Yes, I think Biden made the right decision. Yes, I think the cowardice and craven opportunism of the Trump administration dealt Biden a bad hand. Yes, I think the pullout was likely to be messy no matter how well planned it was.”


So the first problem is that Trump is only one part of the afgani problem. This subject goes all the way back to the activities of the Afgan people AND their government at least 4 Presidents. Such as Bush, Obama, Trump & Biden. We spent 20 years trying to save a people from their own self made monsters and we basically got tired of it.

What Biden did was run away with his whole staff involved in this insanity. At some point I will pen or type my own response to what we shoulda done to get out of Afghanistan but for the moment I’ll deal with bidens screw up.

The way we left is indeed a Presidential and policy disgrace and as a Former Marine and a vet I am disgusted with biden and the democrats.

The democrat party, biden and the political left are complete screw ups and antinomian and they ALL deserve to be criticized for everything wrong in the USA. Afghanistan is just part of it.


“Enough of this fearfulness.”

“First, Democrats should ignore the GOP and its carping about Biden. The Republicans have ceased to be a vessel for any kind of ideas. They are going to attack Biden because demonizing their opponents is the only card they have left to play. They have decided on minority rule, even if it means overturning elections, and if they capture the House in 2022 – which is more than possible – they will impeach Biden and figure out the reason later. “

“Forget about persuasion. Democrats are not going to start voting for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis or South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem because of the mess in Kabul, and Republicans were not somehow gettable voters who are going to be scared off by a foreign policy blunder. We’re too polarized for that.”

“The Democrats, if they wish to be a governing party, must treat the GOP the way the adults in the dining room treat the rowdy kids at the children’s table: Ignore their screaming, and limit the damage they can do to the room. Express valid concerns to the White House, ask what legislative or other remedies might help, and get on with the business of running the country.”

“Second, governments do not improve without honest critics in their own party. A party that shouts down dissent in the name of winning elections and demands absolute fealty toward the leader is … well, that’s the modern Republican Party. The GOP has no platform, no direction, no groups within it to drive policy or do anything beyond injecting the requisite number of voters with pure rage. When internal dissent collapses, parties become little more than vehicles for extremist kooks. The Democrats are better than that.”

“GOP is beyond reasoned debate”

“Third, to avoid dissent for the sake of politics is to corrode the norms that undergird everything about the American system of government. To criticize our politicians is to ensure that they, and we, remember that they are our fellow citizens and not gods. We are accountable for our choices to elect them, and they are accountable for their decisions as stewards of the public trust. No man or woman is above this basic principle.”

“Finally, dissent and disagreement – conducted with honesty, candor and good faith – strengthens the habits that matter in a democracy: fairness, reason, tolerance, responsibility, understanding. Recently on this very opinion site, my friend David Rothkopf defended Biden’s handling of the Afghan operation, and I found that I agreed with him more than I disagreed, but that our differences on the subject were important and worth talking about.”

“This is more than just kibitzing over military operations; this is what citizenship looks like. Two people who care very much about their country are trying to find where we think we agree and where we diverge. We hope to enlighten each other and any of our fellow citizens who read our arguments.”

“Republicans, by contrast, are beyond hope on the issue of reasoned debate. But the rest of us can improve the public space with more argument rather than less. We do no favors to the president or to our constitutional system by living in fear of what the worst among us might do with our views; we can only control what we say, and what we think, and what we believe would be best for our nation.”+


1 I’m sure everyone remembers how the democrats, left leaning media used every trick to bad mouth and attack Trump and now they think that criticisms of bidens mental health, leadership and policy activities are horrific. I have a idea GET USED TO IT.

We as tax payers DON’T want your political party ruling the USA because you only bring antinomianism with your lax drug laws, gangs, cartels and the gun violence to multiple cities like Seattle, Chicago and many others and yet you all scream “Gun Control” but won’t go after the very groups who are black, Hispanic or ? that cause these upticks in crime.

You collectively are a clueless bunch who allow the homeless and drug addicted to run around and create havoc and won’t get them into programs to get them off the streets.

Besides Afghanistan and other places your president will screw up I HOPE you loose elections and political standing because you have not only made the USA worse and your own politicians’ and platforms’ aren’t helping us, the tax payer at all.


2 Uh… You realize that you have your own money grubbing kooks like antifa, black lives matter and the myriad of socialist nut jobs and hilariously you are all aligned for the purpose of the death of the USA. These very same groups try to or outright stifle debate and gatherings put together by conservatives to demonstrate the ideological flaws of the democrats and the left.

The republican party fell apart because it’s just like the democrats. Wealthy elites whom your democrat party are in bed with. They don’t care about people like me they want to just keep things going. They don’t have strong leaders in general until we got Trump in.

Unlike obama and biden Trump seemed to be a leader while they were not. Their ideas helped who exactly? Not me. Not my wife or my friends or family.

This also reminds me that Conservatives & independents’ debate issues and subjects all the time. Why is it that the democrats goose step into the politically minded left and follow damning and stupid ideas when the rest of use don’t?


3 As a adult living in the progressive Seattle area you are either in step with ‘the party’ and the rest of the loony left or you are ‘the enemy’ despite the fact most of use didn’t want them here in the first place. You NEVER hear of the democrats / socialists debating and re-considering their bad behaviors and their worsening policies. Instead they again goose step into their collective destruction. Criticism of the democrats who are ruining Washington state are not in the local media of any source.


4 As Conservatives we watched your dissent and equated to riots and criminality. Way to go.

It is impossible to be a progressive / democrat to criticize your party, your politicians’, your president because when you do you will get labeled.

Perhaps you should actually ask Conservatives, Republicans and actually debate them instead of being like your president. A liar, A con artist and a member of the lefty media.

Please feel free to criticize biden and the rest of the democrat / lefties. I doubt you’ll have a job afterwards.