Do I support Sunday only doctrines?

Started: 1 26 2014

Finished: 9 28 2021

Answer: NO!

In the 20 or so years I have been a Christian I have never supported a ideology or philosophy that we as Christians should keep Sunday alone without Saturday Sabbath.

I donot believe that I have the right to force or enforce a specific day of rest and worship over other people no matter if the are Christian or another religion.

As I have studied the Sabbath VS Sunday issue I discovered the following:

Saturday Sabbath of the Torah was not Commanded by Jesus or his disciples as a day or rest or worship. To prove this I have to simply open up my Bible to the OT and to the following Scriptures.

Exodus 20:8-11

Exodus 31:12-17

These specific references to the Saturday Sabbath were for Israel only not the Gentile.

Jesus as a Jewish man DID keep the Sabbath. But DID NOT Command or even suggest that non Jews HAD to keep it. The Gospel examples about the Sabbath are found here:

Jesus Lord of the Sabbath

Matthew 12:1-13

Jesus resurrects at the END of the Sabbath

Matt 28:1

Mark 2:23-28

Mark 3:1-6

Mark 6:1-3

Mark 15:42

Mark 16:1-20

Luke 4:16-30

Luke 6:1-11

Luke 13:10-17

Luke 14:1-6

*Even the Disciples understood that Jesus as God called people to believe in him and follow his ways but not follow the letter of the law as the present judaizers claim.

*Acts 15:1-31

Romans 8:1-6

Romans 13:8-10

Galatians 2:16

Galatians 3:10-14

Galatians 5:13-18

Hebrews 10:1-10

James 2:8-13

In our Bibles are many teachings against fornication, adultery and the keeping of modern laws.

Romans 13:1-7

1 Peter 2:13-117

Luke 23:54-56

Luke 24:1

John 5:1-47

John 7:1-30

John 9:1-41

John 19:31

John 20:1

I believe that the Christian Bible is quite clear. We are to choose a day of Worship and Rest.

Romans 14:4-6

Romans 14:13

As we can see there is a lot in the Holy Bible to suggest we modern Christians can chose a specific day after all why be stuck with only one day?

Let’s do what Jesus wanted, Worship him on the day of his resurrection. And be reminded of Saturday Sabbath where he worshipped our Great god on as well.